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Closing the COVID-19 learning gap

As a consequence of prolonged school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic, our kids have suffered profound learning losses. As board member representing the 4th District, I will bring a sense of urgency in getting our students back on track.


CPS students in 3rd through 8th Grade are more than a full year behind 2019 math test scores. Only 26 percent of CPS students are achieving satisfactory standardized test scores in English and language arts, and 17.5 percent are achieving satisfactory math test scores.


We need to devote every dollar we can toward tutoring and, where required, summer school. We can do what they’ve done in Nashville and their “Community Achieves” model that brings families and civic partners into schools to close the COVID-19 learning gap. We can also work with local universities, as they have done in Birmingham, Alabama, to mobilize support for students needing to get back to speed.

As board member representing the 4th District, I will ask our community for help to ensure our students make up for what was lost during the shutdowns.

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